Redefining Motherhood

While we are coming up to Mother's Day in the United States, I've been thinking about the definition of motherhood and being a mother. One definition that particularly resonates with me is Merriam-Webster’s which states Mother is

a: to give birth to

b: to give rise to : PRODUCE.

A few things I'm contemplating as this day approaches:

1) I cannot be a mother in the traditional and societal sense of the word, but I've birthed a lot of ideas and produced change.

2) I was the 1st baby born on Mother's Day in my hometown - an irony that is not lost on me.

3) I do not have my mother in my life and nor did I for most of my formative years. This has impacted how I show up to hold space for others who have similar circumstances.

4) This is a hard day for me and many others that I know and we need to be aware that we navigate this time of year differently and that we should be gentle with all who identify as women.

We must be cognizant of what others are going through during this time of the year. We also need to start shifting our narrative when it comes to this day. While many other people can't be mothers when it comes to birthing their own children, they have given birth to or rise to: produced many other things which give life to this world.

For me, I have been the mother to so many ideas and businesses, and I believe that I have impacted other people's lives in a way that has helped them produce their own creations and bring out their own ability to birth something that gives back to this world.

What have you given birth to of which you are proud? What have you produced?

How else do you define motherhood and what does this day mean to you?

I'm curious to know your thoughts.

Let's honor all who are mothers in every sense of the word.

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