
Transcending Fear to Find Beauty in Death with Nicole Kerr


  1. What people experience when they are near death and how it changed the way they lived

  2. Understanding soul loss, indicators that you may be experiencing it, and the importance of coping with it

  3. Navigating identity-based fear, spiritual transformation, and defining a personal concept of god

  4. How to not fear death and connect with your guardian angels

  5. The significance of balancing the physical body and your spiritual being

About Nicole Kerr

Award-winning health expert Nicole Kerr co-authored Eating the Rainbow: Lifelong Nutritional Wellness—Without Lies, Hype, or Calculus. She has appeared on CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC, the Food Channel, and other TV and radio shows to share her unique perspective on wellness, lifestyle, and nutrition.  

For the past 30 years, Nicole has worked in all sectors of society, including in government (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), non-profit (American Cancer Society), military (United States Air Force Medical Operations), academia (University of Hawaii), healthcare institutions/hospitals (Adventist Health Castle and Queens Medical Center), corporate settings (Sea Ties, LLC), and private consultation. Nicole’s warm, engaging presentations have earned her a place in front of international audiences ranging from corporate food producers to health and medical associations. Throughout her career, she has focused on supporting people from every walk of life to make realistic, meaningful, happy choices for lifelong health and well-being.

 As a 19-year-old cadet at the United States Air Force Academy, Nicole would be forced to learn how to live and love differently following a terrifying and transformative Near-Death Experience. Her memory of the crash came back 20 years later, and it has taken Nicole almost another two decades to align her soul, spirit, mind, and body, proving healing is certainly a non-linear process.

A disabled veteran, Nicole now maintains a part-time private practice primarily using Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), targeting the often overlooked emotional, energy, and spiritual well-being domains.

Connect with Nicole

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